Tolpuddle Martyrs’ Festival
Friday 15th July to Sunday 17th July 2011
Join the Branch at the Tolpuddle Martyrs’ Festival, a great tribute working class solidarity and our trade union forefathers.
The Tolpuddle Festival commemorates an historic episode in the struggle for trade union rights in Britain and around the world. In 1834 six farm labourers from Tolpuddle were arrested on a charge of taking part in an illegal oath ceremony. The real offence was that they had dared to form a trade union to defend their livelihoods. For this they were sentenced to seven year’s transportation to the penal colonies of Australia. The sentences provoked an immense outcry, leading to the first great trade union protest. The campaign won free pardons and the Martyrs returned to England.
For further information on Tolpuddle, see
Details of numbers and travel arrangements etc will be discussed at the next branch meeting on the 24th of May 2011.
Best regards
Daz Procter